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Dr. Eddy 將在此專欄與您分享他身為一名研究員多年來累積的【論文投稿發表】經驗。請閱讀 Dr. Eddy 分享成功發表論文的技巧與國際期刊研究趨勢。




第一作者通常主導大部分的研究工作,在一般的情況下,當引用一篇論文時,提到的就是第一作者的名字,如Jones et al. report that…。以第一作者身份發表論文對博士學生的學術發展是很重要的,全球大部分的博士課程畢業標準都要求學生要以第一作者身份發表至少一篇論文,這也就是為什麼如果有2位以上的博士學生一起合作畢業論文時會有作者排序爭議;對博士後及資深教授來說,作為第一作者發表期刊論文是爭取研究經費、申請教職及教職升等的重要因素,因此,英文論文發表的作者名單裡的第一作者一直是最搶手的位置。




Deciding the order of authors on a paper

In my earlier post on authorship, I had discussed ICMJE guidelines that help researchers in deciding whether a contributor qualifies to be an author or not. In this post, I am going to discuss the order in which author names should be included in a multi-author paper. The order of authors on a scientific paper needs to be determined after careful deliberation. Prior to deciding the author order, it is important to understand the concept of a first and a corresponding author.

Who should be the first author?

The first author is usually the person who carried out majority of the experimental work, which reflects in the common practice of referring to a paper by the first author’s name e.g. ‘Jones et al. report that…’ Publishing a paper as the first author is very crucial for the scientific career of a Ph.D. student. Most Ph.D. programs worldwide require a Ph.D. student to have at least one first-authored paper in order to qualify for a degree. So an authorship dispute would be inevitable if two Ph.D. students were to work on the same project for their degree. For post-doctoral researchers and senior professors, publishing first-authored papers is important for receiving funding and getting promoted or re-hired. Thus, the first name in an author list is the most sought-after position in a scientific publication.

After the first author, the subsequent authors are usually listed as per their contribution to the research, starting from the one who contributed the most to the least. However, sometimes multiple authors may have contributed equally, in which case the order of author names does not matter, and you can inform the journal editor of this. In order to avoid any authorship dispute, it is a good practice to discuss authorship and the order of authors at the beginning of the project itself, and keep a record of each of the contributors involved throughout the project.

What is the role of a corresponding author?

At the time of submission of a manuscript, journals require you to choose one of the authors as the corresponding author. The corresponding author is the one who receives all notifications from the journal including manuscript status, reviewers’ comments, and the final decision. Although journals usually perceive the role of a corresponding author as purely administrative, this role is associated with seniority in some cultures. The corresponding author is often the group leader or a senior researcher whose contact address is not likely to change in the near future. In cases where the main contributor of the study is also the group leader, he or she can be both first and corresponding author for the study.


