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首頁 » 作者資源 » 問卷調查:你是否完全熟悉 ICMJE 和 GPP2 國際發表指南?
Dr. Eddy 將在此專欄與您分享他身為一名研究員多年來累積的【論文投稿發表】經驗。 請閱讀 Dr. Eddy 分享成功發表論文的技巧與國際期刊研究趨勢。

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問卷調查:你是否完全熟悉 ICMJE 和 GPP2 國際發表指南?


最近幾年學術研究發表不端的案例不斷增加,像是大眾熱議的 STAP 細胞論文中圖片造假,還有偽造審稿人身份使 SAGE 大量撤稿的事件,讓作者、期刊和學術發表界都意識到嚴重性。


道德相關的不端行為在生物醫藥科學領域的影響無疑是最嚴重且深遠的,因為這有可能直接或間接影響到病人。因此許多生物醫藥期刊都開始鼓勵作者『在投稿前確認自己已遵循國際發表準則』,像是《良好發表實踐2》(Good Publication Practice 2,GPP2) 和國際醫學期刊編輯委員會 (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors,ICMJE) 2013年修訂的建議。隨著對發表道德意識的提高,作者對於這些準則的認識相形之下顯得更加重要,尤其是生物醫藥研究人員在執行和報告道德研究,以及發表論文在理想的期刊上。不過,普遍來說,這方面的認知似乎仍非常薄弱,尤其是亞洲地區。

《意得輯觀點》(Editage Insights) 誠摯邀請生物醫學領域的研究人員參與本次的問卷調查活動,本次問卷旨在了解作者對於國際發表指南的熟悉程度,希望找出在發表道德認知上的落差何在,本次的問卷結果將會公佈並成為日後作者培訓項目的指標。

如果您是生物醫學領域的研究人員,或是生物醫藥產業的發表人員,敬請一同參與,撥冗 10 分鐘的時間填寫下方的英文問卷,參與者可參加價值美金50元的 Amazon 禮券抽獎(共十名)。您的身份將完全保密,結果以統計方式呈現。


Survey: Are you sufficiently aware of international publication guidelines, ICMJE and GPP2?

In recent years, cases of misconduct and unethical practices in publication have been increasing at an alarming rate. Cases of image manipulation, such as the highly publicized STAP stem cells case, and of fraudulence in peer review, such as the case of mass retractions by SAGE, have made authors, journals, and the academic publishing community at large sit up in alarm. Is your knowledge of publication ethics sufficient to not only get you accepted in your choice of journal but also to prevent you from being dragged into such ethics-related scandals that can severely harm your reputation?

The implications and repercussions of ethical misconduct are undoubtedly the gravest and most far-reaching in the biomedical sciences, where misconduct can directly or indirectly affect patients. Therefore, many biomedical journals are increasingly encouraging authors to follow international publication guidelines, such as the Good Publication Practice 2 (GPP2) and the revised 2013 International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) recommendations, before submitting a manuscript. Awareness of these guidelines is thus crucial for biomedical researchers to conduct and report their work ethically and to increase their chances of acceptance into the journal of their choice. However, this awareness seems to be poor, especially in the Asia-Pacific region.1,2,3

Editage Insights would like to invite medical researchers to participate in a survey on how well they understand international publication guidelines. We hope that this survey will bring to light the existing gaps in knowledge on this topic. Its findings will be published and will lend direction to our author-education initiatives, especially our workshops and webinars.

Please take the survey if you are a researcher in the medical sciences or a publication manager in the pharmaceutical industry. Your identity will be protected; the results will be shared in an aggregated manner. The survey will take only about 10 minutes to complete, and you could be one of 10 lucky participants to win an Amazon voucher worth $50 upon completion.

Click here to take the survey, or copy and paste the following link in your browser:

author education


